Download Dr. Ligon Duncan's Reading List for Future Seminary Students
What books should I read before I come to seminary?
That’s a great question prospective and future seminary students often ask us at RTS. The most important answer is the Bible — God’s holy, inspired, profitable, inerrant and infallible Word. And it would be wise to have a plan for doing that.
As we talk to theological educators all over the country and world, we find that more and more seminary students are embarking on theological studies with less Bible knowledge than seminarians had in the past. So aim to be a lifelong student of the Bible.
In addition to reading your Bible, these books will serve your heart as you contemplate serving the Lord and his people, and as you prepare for the seminary experience.
These recommended volumes are intended to help the beginner “catch up” quickly on reading which will feed the soul, strengthen the mind, encourage a godly walk, warn of pitfalls, and prepare you for a new world of ideas and terminology that you will meet in seminary training.
Dr. Ligon Duncan