Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 6, 2019
What Is the Place of Prayer in Worship?
Rev. Michael Glodo
February 15, 2017
Yahweh Alone is Worthy of Our Worship
Rev. Brian Gault
March 7, 2012

Give Praise to God
A Vision for Reforming Worship
Dr. Derek Thomas
June 10, 2011
Inform Worship by the Gospel
Dr. Bryan Chapell
March 31, 2011
God’s Praise Has Momentum
Rev. Brian Gault
March 31, 2009

Perspectives on Christian Worship
Five Views
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 1, 2009
Giving Your All to God in Worship
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 14, 2008
Proper Worship
Dr. Allen Curry
April 29, 2008

With One Voice
Discovering Christ's Song in Our Worship
Dr. Reggie Kidd
October 1, 2005

Transformed by Praise
The Purpose and Message of the Psalms
Dr. Mark Futato
May 1, 2002

With Reverence and Awe
Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship
John Muether
April 1, 2002

Contemporary Worship Music
A Biblical Defense
Dr. John Frame
July 1, 1997

Worship in Spirit and Truth
A Refreshing Study of the Principles and Practice of Biblical Worship
Dr. John Frame
April 1, 1996
How Should We Then Worship?
Dr. William Wymond
June 21, 1990
What is Worship?
Q and A with Skip Ryan
June 21, 1990