Retrieving Eternal Generation
Dr. Fred Sanders
November 21, 2017

A Mind for Truth. A Heart for God.
The First Fifty Years of Reformed Theological Seminary
John Muether
October 1, 2016
Why Should I Get An M.Div. Degree?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 21, 2015

Reformed Catholicity
The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation
Dr. Michael Allen
January 20, 2015

From Creation to New Creation
Biblical Theology and Exegesis
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
November 1, 2013

New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis
December 8, 2012

Trinity, Revelation, and Reading
A Theological Introduction to the Bible and Its Interpretation
Dr. Scott Swain
September 15, 2011

Proclaiming a Cross-Centered Theology
Dr. Al Mohler
October 9, 2009

Why We’re Not Emergent
By Two Guys Who Should Be
Dr. Kevin DeYoung
April 1, 2008

Paradox in Christian Theology
An Analysis of Its Presence, Character, and Epistemic Status
Dr. James Anderson
March 6, 2007

All for Jesus
A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Covenant Theological Seminary
Dr. Sean Lucas
May 20, 2006
The Limits and Goal of Theology
Dr. Derek Thomas
October 6, 2005

The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew
Dr. Miles Van Pelt
August 10, 2003

Cornelius Van Til
An Analysis of His Thought
Dr. John Frame
November 1, 1995

Reference Works for Theological Research
John Muether
January 27, 1992

The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
Dr. John Frame
August 1, 1987