God’s Sovereignty in Salvation II
Lesson 26
Dr. Michael Kruger
October 21, 2015
God’s Sovereignty in Salvation I
Lesson 25
Dr. Michael Kruger
October 14, 2015
Salvation: Hidden, Revealed, Offered
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 9, 2015
The Sovereignty of God and Christian Ministry
Dr. Richard Phillips
May 23, 2015
Where Is Zarephath?
Brian Shim
April 21, 2015
Ministry Amid Afflictions
Dr. William Richardson
February 18, 2015
Taunts in the Bible
Dr. Richard Belcher
October 28, 2014

Why Do I Suffer?
Dr. John Currid
September 20, 2014
God Wins: Reflections on the Ten Plagues
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
April 25, 2012

Trusting the True Hero
Dr. Sean Lucas
November 20, 2011

The Doctrine of the Word of God
Dr. John Frame
October 27, 2010
God is Our Refuge
Dr. Dennis Ireland
March 10, 2009

The Supremacy of God in the Theology of Samuel Rutherford
Dr. Guy Richard
February 17, 2009
Doxology and Praise
Dr. Derek Thomas
September 5, 2006

The Doctrine of God
Dr. John Frame
May 1, 2002

With Reverence and Awe
Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship
John Muether
April 1, 2002