Reformed Theological Seminary

Topic: Suffering

God, Our Home

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 26, 2019

God’s Loving Discipline
Lesson 30

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 15, 2019

How Should I Understand Suffering?

Dr. Derek Thomas
October 31, 2018

Strength for the Weary

Dr. Derek Thomas
March 22, 2018

The Gospel According to Job

Rev. Brian Gault
March 29, 2017

Finding Contentment in Affliction
Session 3

Dr. William Barcley
March 5, 2017

What Grieving People Wish You Knew

Nancy Guthrie
October 27, 2016

The Pressure and the Presence

Dr. Guy Richardson
October 19, 2016

Job’s Confession

Dr. John Currid
September 27, 2016

Encouragement for Suffering Christians

Dr. Charlie Wingard
August 31, 2016

No Exemptions

Dr. John McCarty
February 10, 2016

Harder Than You Think, Better Than You Hope

Dr. Dean Faulkner
March 31, 2015

How Jesus Gives You Peace

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 11, 2015

Suffering and Glory

February 4, 2015