Proof of Justification by Faith Alone II: Abraham
Lesson 12
Dr. Michael Kruger
February 4, 2015
Proof of Justification by Faith Alone I
Lesson 11
Dr. Michael Kruger
January 28, 2015

Hidden But Now Revealed
A Biblical Theology of Mystery
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
October 3, 2014
ReForum 2014: Contemporary questions that deserve their own confessions?
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
October 3, 2014
ReForum 2014: Teaching Aspect of Confessionalism
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
October 3, 2014
ReForum 2014: Faculty Panel Discussion
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
October 3, 2014
ReForum 2014: Opening Lecture
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
October 3, 2014
Will He Find Faith on the Earth?
Duncan Inauguration Sermon
Dr. Al Mohler
October 2, 2014
Duncan’s Inauguration as Chancellor
Full Inauguration Ceremony
Dr. Al Mohler
October 2, 2014
Do You Believe?
Rev. Paul Wolfe
September 30, 2014

Confessing the Faith
A Reader's Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
August 4, 2014

The Theology of the Westminster Standards
Historical Context and Theological Insights
Dr. John V. Fesko
June 30, 2014

John Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 1
Dr. John Frame
May 8, 2014
Real Faith
Dr. David Silvernail
October 31, 2013

What is Faith?
Basics of the Faith
Dr. Guy Richard
June 18, 2012
To Believe or Not to Believe
Dr. Guy Waters
April 11, 2012