Reformed Theological Seminary

The Word Does Work

Dr. D. Blair Smith
October 31, 2023

All You Need is Love

Dr. Guy Waters
September 27, 2023

The Depravity of Your Body and Mind

Dr. Mike Hillerman
November 2, 2022

Theological Education as Learning to Die

Dr. Michael Allen
August 26, 2020

Put On Christ

Dr. Bruce Baugus
March 4, 2020

The Rock of Doxology

Dr. Greg Lanier
March 4, 2020

Good News You Can Trust

Rev. H.B. Charles Jr.
October 31, 2019

Separated to the Gospel of God

Dr. Scott Swain
August 28, 2019

Certainty in Christ

Dr. Howard Griffith
November 19, 2018

Conformed to Christ

Dr. Kenneth McMullen
October 24, 2017

2017 Missions Conference: Motivation
Lecture 1

Rev. Allen Baker
September 13, 2017

Encouragement for Suffering Christians

Dr. Charlie Wingard
August 31, 2016

The Quest for Unity in the Church
Lesson 38

Dr. Michael Kruger
March 16, 2016

Seeking Unity in the Midst of Dispute
Lesson 36

Dr. Michael Kruger
March 2, 2016

Loving One Another
Lesson 35

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 24, 2016

The Christian and the Government
Lesson 34

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 17, 2016

Marks of a True Christian
Lesson 33

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 10, 2016

Our Response to the Gospel
Lesson 32

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 3, 2016

God Has Not Rejected Israel III
Lesson 31

Dr. Michael Kruger
January 27, 2016

God Has Not Rejected Israel II
Lesson 30

Dr. Michael Kruger
January 20, 2016

God Has Not Rejected Israel I
Lesson 29

Dr. Michael Kruger
January 13, 2016

The Primacy of Preaching
Lesson 28

Dr. Michael Kruger
November 4, 2015

The Two Paths of Righteousness
Lesson 27

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 28, 2015

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation II
Lesson 26

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 21, 2015

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation I
Lesson 25

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 14, 2015

The Security of Your Salvation IV
Lesson 24

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 7, 2015

The Security of Your Salvation III
Lesson 23

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 30, 2015

The Security of Your Salvation II
Lesson 22

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 23, 2015

The Security of Your Salvation I
Lesson 21

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 16, 2015

Introduction to Romans 8-16
Lesson 20

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 9, 2015

The Eschatology of Adoption

Rev. Casey Bedell
April 7, 2015

Harder Than You Think, Better Than You Hope

Dr. Dean Faulkner
March 31, 2015

Who’s Your Representative, Adam or Jesus?
Lesson 15

Dr. Michael Kruger
February 25, 2015

Suffering and Glory

February 4, 2015

Proof of Justification by Faith Alone I
Lesson 11

Dr. Michael Kruger
January 28, 2015

We Rejoice in Our Sufferings

Dr. Charlie Wingard
January 28, 2015

We Are More Sinful Than We Think
Lesson 9

Dr. Michael Kruger
November 12, 2014

Lesson 8

Dr. Robert Cara
November 5, 2014

The God of Hope

Dr. Mike Ross
November 4, 2014

Yes, Religious People Need the Gospel Too I
Lesson 6

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 22, 2014

The Terrible Pattern of Ever-Increasing Sin
Lesson 5

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 15, 2014

God’s Wrath
Lesson 4

Dr. Michael Kruger
October 8, 2014

The Power of God for Salvation
Lesson 3

Dr. James Anderson
October 1, 2014

Our Identity as God’s People
Lesson 2

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 24, 2014

The Messenger and the Message
Lesson 1

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 17, 2014

The Book of Romans

Dr. Michael Kruger
September 10, 2014

Priestly Service of the Gospel

Dr. Bruce Baugus
March 26, 2014

Unashamed of the Gospel

Dr. Bob Orner
February 26, 2014

Soli Deo Gloria

Dr. Guy Waters
October 30, 2013

The Atonement

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 10, 2013

God’s Great Love for His People

Geoff Sackett
March 4, 2013

On Christian Freedom

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 25, 2012

Our Concern, Desire, Purpose, and Fruit

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 25, 2012

A Christian Response to the 2012 Elections

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 18, 2012

175 and Counting : The Disputed Gospel

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 15, 2012

Faith, Peace, Grace, Joy, and Hope

Dr. Greg Belser
September 14, 2011

Wanted Dead and Alive

Dr. Guy Richardson
August 31, 2011

Resurrection of the Body

Rev. Frank Cavalli
April 27, 2011

A Living Sacrifice

Dr. Mike Campbell
April 12, 2011

Hope of Future Salvation

Rev. Brad Irick
November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Homilies, Part 1

Dr. Bruce Baugus
November 23, 2010

Gospel Boasting

Dr. Guy Waters
October 5, 2010

Conformed To The Image of Christ

Dr. Allen Curry
February 6, 2007

The Limits and Goal of Theology

Dr. Derek Thomas
October 6, 2005

I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 23, 2003

I Believe

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 5, 2003

Greeting to the Church and Glory to God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 28, 2002

Ministry in the Family of God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 7, 2002

The Goal of Paul’s Mission

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 8, 2002

Accept One Another

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 1, 2002

Putting Others First, As Jesus Did

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 24, 2002

A Warning Against Judging Brothers (2)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 3, 2002

A Warning Against Judging Brothers (1)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 27, 2002

A Call to Live in Light of the Coming End

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 20, 2002

A Call to Fulfill the Law Through Love

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 13, 2002

A Call to Seek Peace

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 27, 2002

A Call to Diligence

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 20, 2002

A Call to Love and Other-centeredness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 13, 2002

A Call to Humility and Service

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 30, 2002

A Call to Give Yourself to God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 23, 2002

Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 6, 2002

A Glimpse Into the Decree

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 30, 2001

All Israel Will Be Saved

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 9, 2001

A Warning Against Arrogance

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 2, 2001

A Hardening for Mercy’s Sake

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 25, 2001

The Hardening of Israel

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 21, 2001

A Remnant Believes, Just as Promised

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 14, 2001

Faith Comes by Hearing

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 9, 2001

The Two Ways of Righteousness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 30, 2001

Why Would Someone Reject Salvation?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 23, 2001

How Can God Condemn If We Can’t Resist His Will?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 9, 2001

Can God’s Promises Fail?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 26, 2001

The Righteousness of God For Salvation

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 19, 2001

More Than Conquerors

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 12, 2001

God Has Justified Us, So Who Can Condemn Us?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 5, 2001

God is for Us, So Who is Against Us?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 29, 2001

The Purpose of God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 22, 2001

The Spirit Intercedes for Us

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 15, 2001

Present Suffering/ Future Glory

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 8, 2001

Children of God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 1, 2001

Flesh and Spirit

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 24, 2001

Delivered by the Spirit by Death of Christ

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 17, 2001

The Believer’s Struggle with Sin (1)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 3, 2001

What Should We Think of the Law?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 27, 2001

The Newness of the Spirit

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 20, 2001

Slaves of Righteousness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 13, 2001

Under Grace

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 29, 2001

Living in Christ

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 22, 2001

United to Christ

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 15, 2001

Grace Reigns in Righteousness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 8, 2001

The Law, the Covenant of Works, and Grace

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 1, 2001

Justification By Faith Flows from the Love of God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 21, 2001

Justification By Faith Means Peace with God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 7, 2001

Abraham’s Faith and Ours

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 31, 2000

Faith, Grace and the Spiritual Seed

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 24, 2000

Faith and the Law

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 17, 2000

Faith and the Covenant Sign of Circumcision

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 10, 2000

David Understood Justification by Faith

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 3, 2000

The Bible Says Abraham Was Justified by Faith!

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 26, 2000

The Implication of Justification

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 15, 2000

Faith Alone

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 8, 2000

Justification by Grace Through Faith (2)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 24, 2000

God, in the Gospel of His Son

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 17, 2000

Justification by Grace Through Faith

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 10, 2000

The Righteousness Which Comes by Faith (1)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 3, 2000

The Law Can’t Save You

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 27, 2000

All Are Under Sin

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 20, 2000

Objection Overruled (2)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 13, 2000

Objection Overruled (1)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 30, 2000

The Jew’s Failure

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 16, 2000

The Jew’s Confidence Empty

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 9, 2000

God’s Righteous Judgment on All

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 2, 2000

God Will Judge Justly

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 18, 2000

Contempt for God’s Kindness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 11, 2000

We Have No Excuse

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 4, 2000

We Have No Excuse

June 4, 2000

God Gave Them Over (3)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 28, 2000

God Gave Them Over (2)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 21, 2000

God Gave Them Over (1)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 14, 2000

We Know God, But Don’t Glorify Him

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 7, 2000

Paul’s Good News (The Theme of Romans)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 23, 2000

Paul’s Purpose to Preach

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 16, 2000

Paul’s Prayer Report

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 9, 2000

Greetings from an Apostle

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 2, 2000
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