Why Romans?

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul looks at creation and the natural order and explains how mankind’s disobedience brought disruption to them. As you study Romans, you will see God’s justice and grace as He saves sinners through the merits and righteousness of Christ.  Romans is a clear depiction of God’s love for his people, providing salvation and redemption through Christ, by faith alone and by grace alone.

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RTS Charlotte
Romans Bible Study

The Book of Romans

Dr. Mike Kruger introduces the Bible study and walks through an outline of the book of Romans.

The Messenger and the Message
Lesson 1

Dr. Mike Kruger explains how Paul introduces the theme of his letter in Romans 1:1-5.

Our Identity
as God's People
Lesson 2

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 1:7-15 and our identity in Jesus Christ.

The Power of God for Salvation
Lesson 3

Dr. James Anderson speaks on Romans 1:16-17 and the assurance of the power and sufficiency of Christ’s Gospel.

God's Wrath
Lesson 4

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches from Romans 1:18-23 on the characteristics of and reasons for God’s wrath.

The Terrible Pattern of Ever-Increasing Sin
Lesson 5

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 1:24-32 and the destructive effects and patterns of sin.

Yes, Religious People Need the Gospel Too I
Lesson 6

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 2:1-11 and explains how religious legalism is in need of redemption.

Yes, Religious People Need the Gospel Too II
Lesson 7

Dr. Mike Kruger explains Romans 2:12-29 and how true believers will be followers of Christ inwardly and not only outwardly.

Lesson 8

Dr. Robert Cara outlines Romans 3:1-8 and its answers to objections to justification by faith.

We Are More Sinful Than We Think
Lesson 9

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 3:9-20, explaining the radical sinfulness of mankind and its implications.

Justification: God Declaring Sinners to be Righteous
Lesson 10

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 3:21-21 and introduces the doctrine of justification.

Proof of Justification by Faith Alone I
Lesson 11

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 4:1-12 and walks through its argument for justification by faith from the life of Abraham.

Proof of Justification by Faith Alone II: Abraham
Lesson 12

Dr. Mike Kruger explains Romans 4:13-25 and how Abraham’s life shows that we are saved by grace and not by law-keeping.

Implications of Justification by Faith Alone
Lesson 13

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 5:1-5 and expands on what justification truly means for the believer.

Implications of Justification by Faith Alone: It Demonstrates God’s Love
Lesson 14

Dr. Mike Kruger expounds Romans 5:6-11 and explains how justification by faith displays the love of God.

Who’s Your Representative, Adam or Jesus?
Lesson 15

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 5:12-21 and the covenant significance of Adam and of Christ.

Objections to Justification by Faith: Can I Now Live However I Want? I
Lesson 16

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 6:1-14 and the proper role of works in the Christian life.

Objections to Justification by Faith: Can I Now Live However I Want? II
Lesson 17

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 6:15-23 and explains that the Gospel is not an excuse to sin.

Objections to Justification by Faith: Can I Now Live However I Want? III
Lesson 18

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 7:1-16 and further expands upon the Christian’s relationship with the law.

Objections to Justification by Faith: What Then is the Purpose of the Law?
Lesson 19

Dr. Mike Kruger expounds Romans 7:7-25 and discusses the real purpose of the law in the Christian life.

Sin, Justification, Grace, and Sanctification
Romans 1-7 Recap

Dr. Mike Kruger concludes the first section of the study with a review of Romans 1-7.

Introduction to Romans 8-16
Lesson 20

Dr. Mike Kruger introduces the second half of the series with an overview of Romans 8-16.

The Security of Your Salvation I
Lesson 21

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 8:1-11 and the assurance of being freed from sin and having the Holy Spirit.

The Security of Your Salvation II
Lesson 22

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 8:12-17 and explains how the Spirit provides assurance and enables believers to fight sin.

The Security of Your Salvation III
Lesson 23

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 8:18-30 and the hope, help, and rest that comes with being a child of God.

The Security of Your Salvation IV
Lesson 24

Dr. Mike Kruger explains Romans 8:31-39 and offers a challenge not to be afraid of the things we think can separate us from God.

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation I
Lesson 25

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 9:1-13 and introduces the doctrine of election.

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation II
Lesson 26

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 9:14-33 and deals with common objections to the doctrine of election.

The Two Paths of Righteousness
Lesson 27

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 10:1-13 and explains how true righteousness is found.

The Primacy of Preaching
Lesson 28

Dr. Mike Kruger talks through Romans 10:14-21 and the importance of hearing the Word preached.

God Has Not Rejected Israel I
Lesson 29

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 11:1-10 and gives perspective to God’s relationship with Israel.

God Has Not Rejected Israel II
Lesson 30

Dr. Mike Kruger expounds Romans 11:11-24 and explains how Israel’s rejection of Christ was part of God’s larger plan.

God Has Not Rejected Israel III
Lesson 31

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 11:25-36, the future of ethnic Israel, and what it means for believers.

Our Response to the Gospel I
Lesson 32

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 12:1-8 and highlights two different ways to respond to the Gospel.

Marks of a True Christian
Lesson 33

Dr. Mike Kruger explains Romans 12:9-21 and the kind of behavior that marks a true believer.

The Christian and the Government
Lesson 34

Dr. Mike Kruger teaches on Romans 13:1-7 and the Christian’s relationship with governing authorities.

Loving One Another
Lesson 35

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 13:8-14 and how the Gospel teaches us to love one another.

Seeking Unity in the Midst of Dispute
Lesson 36

Dr. Mike Kruger talks through Romans 14:1-12 and how Christians should seek to disagree graciously.

Stumbling Block and Motivation for Good Works
Lesson 37

Dr. Robert Cara teaches on Romans 14:13-23 and explains how believers should approach issues of conscience.

The Quest for Unity in the Church
Lesson 38

Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Romans 15:1-13 and how Christians ought to pursue unity.

What Makes Paul an Effective Missionary?
Lesson 39

Dr. Mike Kruger speaks on Romans 15:14-33 and explains what made the apostle Paul such an effective preacher of the Gospel.

A Glimpse of Life in the First-Century Church
Lesson 39

Dr. Mike Kruger concludes the series with Romans 16:1-27, explaining what a healthy church ought to look like.

About Dr. Michael J. Kruger

Michael J. Kruger is president of Reformed Theological Seminary’s Charlotte, North Carolina, campus, where he also serves as professor of New Testament.

He is the author of many books, including Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church (Zondervan, 2022), 5 Things to Pray for Your Spouse (The Good Book Company, 2022), and Surviving Religion 101 (Crossway, 2021). He blogs regularly at Canon Fodder.