When we speak of adoption, we are speaking of someone actually being brought into the family of God. Not only have their sins been taken away and not only have they been declared righteous in God’s sight, but they have actually been made a child of God. They have been adopted into the very family of God.

Just as in any family, there are certain benefits that go along with that status. As children of the God of the universe, we have direct access to him. We can go into his presence with our needs, our concerns, and our hurts at that very moment. We don’t have to wait until there is a prescribed time that we can have audience with the King. We have that audience because we are his children.

We can go into his presence with our needs, our concerns, and our hurts at that very moment.

There is more than just access; there is a degree of acceptance. There is a status that comes along with being a child of God. We are actually accepted in a way that others who do not have that privilege are not. They do not enjoy that same level of acceptance.

I think that besides that access and acceptance, there is also a degree of protection that comes along with that. Our families are the most important things to us and we do everything we can to protect our children. We have the same promises in the Scriptures. Romans 8:28 reminds us of the promise that, “God is working all things together for our good and for the good of all those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” He will not allow anything into our life except what is for our good.