The essays in ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Father’ call us to stand in wonder of the First Person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies, readers are challenged to recognize the Father’s glory displayed in His Son, to adore His beautiful attributes, to know Him as a Savior, and to rest in His loving hands. This book, along with ‘The Beauty and Glory of Christ’ and ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit’, reinforces the ongoing necessity of cultivating a Trinitarian piety.

Iain D. CampbellSometimes doctrines we think we know are those in which we need to be grounded afresh, and the fatherhood of God is one. We acknowledge that in Jesus, God is our father, and that grace in Jesus Christ has given us access to the Father by the Spirit. But what are the contours of this rich and precious biblical doctrine? This collection of essays will help answer that question as we are led into the glory of God’s triune being, as well as to see the Father in the face of Jesus Christ and to trust again in the care our heavenly Father takes of us. This is a book to enlighten the mind and warm the heart. I cannot commend it highly enough.
Pastor, Free Church of Scotland in Point
Steven J. LawsonWithout question, the most important subject ever to occupy the human mind is the profound study of God. Consistent with this conviction, The Beauty and Glory of the Father is a veritable treasure-house of truth concerning the vast realm of theology proper. Doctrinally rich and practically helpful, this concise volume is an impressive compilation by a team of gifted authors, each man making a significant contribution that is well worth your effort to read. I am certain that you will find this substantial work to be mind-sharpening, heart-stimulating, and soul-stirring.
Senior Pastor, Christ Fellowship Church
Joseph A. Pipa Jr.Rarely has a book been written on the beauty and glory of God the Father. This is a collection of the messages given at Puritan Seminary’s theology conference in August 2012. Unlike many anthologies, this one is a jewel. You will find a number of topics here not normally expounded in our times. I am sure you will profit from reading this book.
President, Greenville Theological Seminary