Nearly all Christians would affirm the centrality of prayer for a healthy Christian life. And yet, for many, prayer is often a challenge, requiring intense personal commitment and self-discipline. However, as Megan Hill points out in Praying Together, our normal approach to prayer leaves out a crucial component: other people. While personal prayer is important, God designed the church to be a community of believers who regularly pray together. Exploring the Bible’s rich teaching on what it means to gather at God’s throne with one voice, Hill lays a theological foundation for corporate prayer and offers practical guidance for making it a reality―in our families, churches, and communities.

Jen WilkinMegan Hill has given us a primer on prayer that is both useful and eloquent. Many of us, myself included, are prone to entertain an untruth about prayer: that it should always be easy and spontaneous, free of any hint of discipline or forethought. Megan empathetically and expressively lifts our eyes toward a higher vision, grounded in the truth of Scripture, of prayer as a delightful duty to be practiced, savored, and shared.
Director of Classes and Curriculum, The Village Church
J. Ligon Duncan IIIMegan Hill is a wise and godly woman, a friend, and one of my favorite authors. She writes to move us to pray together in our homes, communities, and churches. She does three things in particular to help us to pray together in this book. She offers us encouragement, experience, and counsel―all richly biblical and theological. The chapter “Praying with the Church” is by itself worth the price of admission. The book is brief enough to be read in a sitting and deep enough to be savored for a semester. If you and your brothers and sisters in Christ pray together with more hope, delight, and expectancy because of reading it, I am sure that Megan will feel her aim is realized.
Chancellor, CEO, and John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
Katelyn BeatyWhen Megan Hill prays, one feels the force of an entire life spent communing with the triune God. Now, Hill provides both the theology and practical guidance to usher others into a rich life of prayer among fellow Christians and in corporate worship. This book will remind you of how good and pleasant it is when God’s people dwell―and pray―together in unity.
Managing Editor, Christianity Today
Derek W. H. ThomasAnother book on prayer? Yes, and no. Yes, the focus of this book is about urgent, corporate, sustained prayer of the kind that Scripture urges and Jesus extols as necessary if we are to endure in the battle that faces the Christian church. And no, for this is not just a book about prayer. Megan Hill is an accomplished author and godly pastor’s wife and mother. What she has to say comes from a sharp and discerning mind but also from the treasury of rich pastoral experience. Could it be that this book is God’s instrument in reviving among us a healthy, vigorous, infectious prayer life―prayer partnerships―that will redirect the course of this world? I think it possible. I pray that it is.
Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
Kate ShellnuttPraying Together wasn’t written as a guide to improving your prayer life, but it’s impossible to read without feeling compelled to pray more often, more sincerely, and with more people. Megan Hill’s reverence for prayer and her personal stories of devotion made me grateful for the gift of prayer and for a God who uses prayer to bring us to him and to each other. Praying Together offers vital encouragement.
Associate Editor, Christianity Today
Jane PateteCome let us pray! A covenant child of God, who learned to pray in Word and deed, calls Christ’s church to devoted, fervent prayer. Megan has given us a standard for kingdom praying that will bring growth and grace personally and corporately. Come, fill and disciple your hearts in remembering together who God is and what he has done. Brothers and sisters, are you ready?
Former Coordinator of Women’s Ministry, The Presbyterian Church of America
Joel R. BeekeReading this beautiful book on prayer is like enjoying a meal with a friend. Our hostess, Megan Hill, serves the wisdom of the Word, well-baked with centuries of godly Reformed and Puritan writers and seasoned with many personal experiences. Her reflections on prayer are gentle and practical, and by God’s grace I would expect you to be eager to take her recipe and use it often in your home and church.
President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Melissa KrugerPraying Together made me want to grab a friend and pray. Megan Hill reminds us of the privilege, duty, and delight that await us as we join one another in communion with God. Weaving together the Bible’s testimony about prayer and the blessing it has been to the church through the ages, this book will drive you to your knees in the anticipation of the great things God will do.
Director of Women’s Content, The Gospel Coalition
Guy Prentiss WatersMegan Hill helps us to see, with admirable clarity and practical insight, how the triune God invites believers to gather together in prayer―in the church, in our families, and in a host of other settings. She points us to the rich promises and the remarkable blessings attending corporate prayer in Scripture. Her examples and illustrations stir us to pray with others. Read this book and join the chorus of saints lifting their voices to heaven.
James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
Martha Manikas-FosterMegan Hill offers a biblical foundation as well as practical instruction for joining together to pursue an ever-deeper relationship with the Father, through the work of the Son, by the power of the Spirit. We will always find reasons not to pray together. But if we hope to live as conduits of the power of God―if we hope to feed the hungry, unbind the prisoner, comfort the grieving, and shine light in the world’s dark corners―Hill encourages us to begin, together, on our knees.
Producer and Host, Inside Out
Jen Pollock MichelMegan Hill learned to pray as a small child in the company of her parents and members of her local church. Now she’s written a rich resource on corporate prayer, helpful for families, small groups, and churches. I look forward to gathering friends and reading Praying Together. Better yet, I look forward to praying with them.