The Book of Proverbs has one central message (how to gain wisdom) and deals with an extensive array of practical topics including vocation, financial stewardship, moral purity, and how to have successful relationships. Here, Jim Newheiser guides the reader through all the main aspects of the teaching of Proverbs while also emphasizing how these great, life-transforming truths are rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wayne MackThe book of Proverbs has long been a favorite of mine. During our 50 plus years of marriage my wife and I have read through and discussed the contents of the book many times. We have done the same with each of our children and I remember the benefit I received from being part of a men’s group that worked its way through the book over a period of more than a year. And, being a biblical counselor, I have often used many portions of the book in counseling or given it to counselees as a homework assignment. In my studies of Proverbs Bruce Waltke’s and Charles Bridge’s commentaries on the book have proved very helpful. Now, James Newheiser builds on these works and does a marvelous job of arranging and explaining the contents of the book in a very practical way. As I read through Newheiser s comments I found myself being challenged and receiving fresh insights for my own personal life and for my ministry to others. Thank you Jim for the bringing the contents of this divinely inspired book (Proverbs) to us in such a refreshing and relevant way. I commend it without reservation.
Director, Strengthening Ministries International
Hywel R JonesProverbs packs its punches and so does Jim Newheiser’s survey of it! Living in a fallen world is full of dangers for Christians as well as opportunities for serving God and one’s neighbour in love. Newheiser shows repeatedly and incisively how the best life consists in avoiding the former (folly) and engaging in the latter (wisdom) out of the fear of the LORD that is love to Christ.
Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary
Bob AmigoIn an age of open-mindedness and an abysmal lack of discernment in the church, scores of Christians grope for easy and instant solutions to life’s problems. Sadly, they turn away from the wise counsel of God s Word to embrace teachings that can only lead to serious error. But like few other books that have seen print of late, Jim Newheiser’s commentary on the Book of Proverbs comes as a refreshing breeze. This book is a practical, encouraging, and insightful guide to godly living. In just over 200 pages, Jim carefully weaves the wise sayings of this beloved and ancient book into a cohesive unit with clarity, balance, and a deep commitment to God s glory, while unlocking helpful principles that address problems in marriage, parenting, communication, work, wealth and other aspects in life where we are routinely challenged. This highly-readable book is a wholesome prescription for today s Christian.
Pastor, Higher Rock Christian Church