The book of 1 Samuel is the story of Israel seeking a leader. After the failures of Eli, Samuel, and Saul to properly guide the people, God raises up David, the man after his own heart. This commentary gives a brief explanation of the text and then shows how these events, which took place thousands of years ago, have direct and profound application to our lives today, having been recorded ‘for our instruction’ (1 Cor. 10:11). It also reveals how every event pointed toward the coming of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27), the final and ultimate Leader of the people of God.

Phil JohnsonOne of my first (and most challenging) teaching assignments required me to explain 1 Samuel to a class of ten-year-olds over two semesters’ time. The experience gave me a special love for that part of the Old Testament, and I never tire of revisiting it. Jim Newheiser’s brief commentary is one of the richest, most insightful resources on 1 Samuel I have ever found. It is a well-written, compelling analysis of the biblical narrative, filled with razor-sharp reflections on the text, all very skillfully shown to be practical and applicable for today’s readers. This is Old Testament exposition at its very best. –Phil Johnson, Executive Director, Grace to You
Executive Director, Grace to You
Hywel R. JonesDavid is Christ; his followers are professing Christians; his foes are the enemies of Christ and his cause. Jim Newheiser’s pointed study of the text of 1 Samuel shows how that book is truly part of Christian Scripture and that, at a time when Christ’s right to rule the church and the world is challenged all Christians are to be wholly on the Lord’s side.
Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary
Geoff ThomasI Samuel is one of the most dynamic books of the Bible, a real page-turner, delightful for family devotions and for introducing congregations to the historical narratives of the Old Testament. Start here with Hannah, Samuel, the declension of Israel, the rise of Saul, the anointing of David, his friendship with Jonathan, Goliath, the death of Samuel, the death of Saul. It is mouth-watering to savour those names and all they mean to the history of God’s people. My friend Jim Newheiser, pastor and preacher, has opened up this narrative and shown us the lineage of the Messiah in the line of King David, and the powers of darkness that would have destroyed it. There is no better brief and helpful introduction to the First Book of Samuel than the book you are holding in your hand right now. Devour it and put its lessons into practice in your life, and that of your church.
Pastor, Alfred Place Baptist Church