This second contribution to the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series continues the admirable tradition set by Robert B. Chisholm Jr. in Interpreting the Historical Books. A valuable resource for pastors and students, Interpreting the Psalms begins by explaining the nature of Hebrew poetry and the purpose of the Psalms. An accomplished scholar of the Psalms, Mark Futato next explores issues related to properly interpreting Israel’s songbook, and concludes with a sample of moving from interpretation to proclamation. A glossary is included.

William D. BarrickMost students for whom this series is intended will find Futato’s introduction to the basics of Hebrew poetry refreshingly lucid.
Bruce WaltkeFutato takes his student by the hand through the complexities of Hebrew poetry, soars high to get a bird’s eye view of the book and its themes, returns to earth and deftly guides through the thorny patch of textual criticism, gives ‘Aha’ moments in explaining form criticism and how the Psalter’s categories refer to Christ, and ends with practical pointers on how to preach the book. Next time I teach the Book of Psalms this will be my text.
Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Regent College