Pornography is probably one of the most devastating things that we have to deal with in the church. Campus ministers will tell you that probably this is the main thing they deal with guys, and it’s becoming more and more frequent with women. This is a digital age. People are committing digital adultery. It is affecting marriages obviously, affecting parenting, affecting pastors, elders, and all aspects of the church.

Pornography is probably one of the most devastating things that we have to deal with in the church.

We have lost our affection for Jesus and the beauty of Jesus. The only thing that is going to counter this is that Jesus, the Gospel becomes more beautiful than all of the trash that people are looking at or being entertained by.

Couples need to have serious conversations concerning their marriage. Parents need to be talking to their kids early on. We need to do more in the church about the problems of social media and how people are drawn into different things.

It is pretty amazing how things and God’s common grace can be very good, but they can also be devastating. We have to be thinking about how we put off and put on. We have to think about how we look at something as tragic as pornography. We have to be honest about it and not hide, but see the power of the Gospel change people. It is a gospel issue. It is a sanctification issue. It is an issue of mortification – of dying to self. We just need to preach that more and hammer that more.