As parents a question that we always have to be asking ourselves is, “How do I entrust my child to the Lord?” It’s difficult because often I think we think we love our child even more than the Lord could love our child. That’s why it’s so important for us to remind ourselves continually as parents of the truth of scripture.

The ways that we can daily entrust our children to the Lord is to be in the word listening to God’s promises, listening to who he is, and then be prayerful parents. Those two things should be combined because we need daily reminders of what our hopes should even be for our children.

We can entrust our children to the Lord by being in the word listening to God’s promises, and being prayerful parents.

The word reminds us of that, “What is God’s best for our children?” When we read it in his word, we’re also reminded that we can trust him. We’re reminded of his character and of who he is—that he is all good, that he is all knowing, that he is all powerful, and that he is everywhere when we can’t be everywhere that our children are. The scriptures are full of such good reminders for us as parents, and we need those reminders daily.

Then we get the opportunity to talk to the Lord about our children. It’s an amazing thing that the Creator of the universe allows us to come into his presence and take our sometimes very tiny requests to him. But to know that he cares about every hair on our child’s head encourages us to know that we can take any request from how they’re doing in school to trying to avoid getting lice on their hair.

Whatever it might be, we can take those requests to our Father, and he hears us. So, the wonderful thing about entrusting our children to the Lord is that we get to essentially be the child who goes to our Father with our children, entrusting them to the Lord.