The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is the largest conservative, evangelical Presbyterian denomination in North America. For a Continuing Church is the first full scholarly account of the theological and social forces that brought about its creation. In the 1920s and 1930s, emerging progressive leadership in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) led to rising dissent from conservatives. This fascinating story of conviction and struggle resonates today more than ever.

Matthew J. HallI don’t care if you’re not a conservative Presbyterian; you still need to read For a Continuing Church. It tells an important yet often neglected story in the history of American evangelicalism—combining original research and outstanding engagement with current scholarship. . . . It should be read widely, not only by historians, but by anyone who wants to think carefully about the intersection of faith and culture.
Vice President of Academic Services, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Kevin DeYoungThis is about far more than the PCA. This book is nothing less than a history of Presbyterianism in the twentieth century—with all its theological wrangling, all its political maneuvering, all its failings, and all its faithfulness. This is certainly a story worth telling, and Sean tells it very well.
Senior Pastor, University Reformed Church
Stephen J. NicholsFull of both inspiring moments and cautionary tales. . . . A faithful and engaging retelling of the church’s past in the service of her present and future calling.
President, Reformation Bible College