What brings you to the book of Daniel? Is it the moral example of Daniel and his robust faith? Or is it because you want to dig further into the prophetic material that speaks of the end times? Primarily the book tells you about Daniel’s God. Lucas suggests rather than daring to be a Daniel, we should dare to trust in Daniel’s God. This book will help you as you learn more about Daniel’s God and why you too can trust him in every circumstance. Daniel was called to be a blessing even in exile and to avoid defilement in a pagan world. Such is God’s call to you today so that you may honor God and put him first in your heart and life.

Stephen J. NicholsThe skillful hands and pastoral heart of Sean Lucas graciously lead you to a different understanding of this book and its hero, an understanding of the mysterious and marvelous goodness of God and grace of Christ, the true hero. That’s where we can put our trust.
Research Professor of Christianity & Culture, Lancaster Bible College
Dr. Derek W. H. ThomasWhat can you expect from this book? Well, God-centered, Christ-focused, gospel-infused exposition for starters. In addition: textually driven, careful exposition based on a belief that every word of Scripture is Spirit-breathed; illustrative material that opens windows to fresh air and light; and passion — that those who read it will become aware of the riches of the gospel and the Spirit-filled, Jesus shaped lives that ought to be the pattern of all who, like Daniel, love the gospel and live as though they do.
Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church
Mark L. DelbeySean Lucas’ Daniel: Trusting the True Hero is a wonderful, engaging, God-centered treatment of the book of Daniel. His strong redemptive-historical approach keeps God’s character and un-folding plan for His people central throughout. In both the narrative portions and the prophetic portions Sean helps the reader see the greatness of God and our need to trust Him in every circumstance we encounter. The focus on God as the true hero lifts the eyes of the reader beyond a great story and complicated prophecy to a personal encounter with the living God that is both accessible and devotional. I highly recommend this book for everyone from those studying Daniel for the first time to Bible study groups to long-term students of the book of Daniel.
Vice President of Academics & Faculty Development, Covenant Theological Seminary
George RobertsonUnique in its combination of narrative and apocalyptic style, Daniel has intimidated many a preacher and eluded most laymen. But Dr Lucas clarifies the big idea for all and it will preach … God wins! Lucas the theologian, historian, preacher, pastor and writer has gifted the Church with a study that is redemptive-historical in its interpretation, Christ-centered in its application and enjoyable as a read.
Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church