Abortion is a cancer in our culture today.

I would argue that it is a sign of God’s judgment upon us in result of us living in a culture where abortion is so widely practiced and widely tolerated. Abortion is a profoundly immoral and unjust act: the taking of an innocent human life at its most defenseless. As Christians committed to justice and righteousness, we cannot stand by and just let that happen. Just as Christians in previous generations took a stand against slavery, which is one form of dehumanizing precious human beings, we need to similarly take a stand against abortion today.

How do we do that? I will make a few suggestions.

We should be attempting to understand where abortion advocates are coming from. There are some very popular arguments offered for why we should support abortion or at least allow it to be legal, and it is actually very easy to answer those arguments. Christians need to be trained to be able to do that.

Abortion is a profoundly immoral and unjust act: the taking of an innocent human life at its most defenseless.

I think that there are political means that we should use. I think we should work through democratic processes through the law to change the law. I think we should be promoting a pro-life culture where we are supporting pregnancy crisis centers, promoting and supporting adoption, and practicing adoption ourselves.

Above all, we need to pray. We need to call upon God to bring about radical change and gospel centered change because, fundamentally, unless people’s hearts are changed, the culture is not going to be changed. We need to continue to preach the gospel, call on people to repent, and pray to God have mercy upon us.

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