In this extensively redeveloped and expanded version of Apologetics to the Glory of God (1994), renowned theologian John Frame sheds light on the message and method of genuinely Christian apologetics in terms of proof, defense, and offense.

R. Albert Mohler Jr.Few books have been so helpful, to so many, for so long asĀ Apologetics by John Frame.
President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
John PiperJohn Frame winsomely, patiently, and persuasively contends for the gospel and brings together a rare blend of big-picture thinking, levelheaded reflection, biblical fidelity, love for the gospel and the church, and ability to write with care and clarity.
Founder and Teacher,
William EdgarJohn Frame manages to tackle the most difficult problems facing a Christian who endeavors to defend the faith: the nature of evil, world religions, the use of evidences, and much more. And he does so with grace, theological acumen, and an enviable straightforwardness. . . . [An] extraordinarily profitable volume.
Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary