Joy Unspeakable
Episode 16
Dr. Gray Sutanto
July 8, 2020
Justice, Dignity, and Love in Public Ethics (ft. Dr. Ligon Duncan)
Episode 15
Dr. Gray Sutanto
July 1, 2020
Wholeness in a Fragmented World
Episode 14
Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 23, 2020
Pastor Scholar?
Episode 13
Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 15, 2020
Pick your Worldview (ft. Dr. James Anderson)
Episode 12
Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 10, 2020
Loving our Neighbors Amidst Injustice and Unrest
Episode 11
Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 2, 2020
Public Theology for Public Good (ft. Jennifer Patterson)
Episode 10
Dr. Gray Sutanto
May 28, 2020
Public Theology and Redemptive Ethnic Unity (ft. Irwyn Ince)
Episode 9
Dr. Gray Sutanto
May 18, 2020
Agreeably Disagreeing
Episode 8
Dr. Gray Sutanto
May 11, 2020
The Value of the Biblical Languages
Episode 7
Dr. Gray Sutanto
May 7, 2020
Is there an age of accountability?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 5, 2020
Was Moses really the author of the Pentateuch?
Dr. William Wood
April 28, 2020
Episode 6
Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 27, 2020
Welcome Gray Sutanto
Episode 5
Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 21, 2020
How do I find joy in suffering?
Dr. Peter Lee
April 21, 2020
Lasting Impact
Interview with Justin Taylor
Phillip Holmes
April 16, 2020