Practicing Presence in Quarantine
Episode 1
Dr. Paul S. Jeon
March 18, 2020
Fragmentation and Wholeness in the Mosaic Eschatology
Dr. Scott Redd
January 9, 2020
2019 RTS Washington Commencement – President’s Charge
Dr. Scott Redd
May 25, 2019
Dr. Howard Griffith as Theologian and Professor
Dr. Scott Redd
April 8, 2019
Immigration and the Kingdom of God
Biblical Principles to Inform Our Approach and Bring Unity
Dr. Scott Redd
March 24, 2019
What is the Christian’s role in this politically polarized time?
Dr. Scott Redd
November 7, 2018
Servant of the Lord
Washington Commencement Charge 2018
Dr. Scott Redd
June 21, 2018

The Wholeness Imperative
How Christ Unifies our Desires, Identity and Impact in the World
Dr. Scott Redd
June 1, 2018
How Does Biblical Teaching About Mercy and Security Influence the Immigration Debate?
Dr. Scott Redd
March 8, 2017
What Is the Abuse of Christian Liberty?
Dr. Scott Redd
November 16, 2016
Washington Commencement 2016 Charge
Dr. Scott Redd
May 27, 2016
Where is Christ Found in the Old Testament?
Dr. Scott Redd
March 16, 2016

A Biblical Look at the Greatest Commandment and Personal Wealth
Dr. Scott Redd
February 1, 2016
Washington Commencement 2015 Charge
Dr. Scott Redd
May 27, 2015
The Useful Crop
Dr. Scott Redd
February 10, 2015