Reformed Theological Seminary

Author: Dr. Peter Lee

Joy Unspeakable
Episode 16

Dr. Gray Sutanto
July 8, 2020

Wholeness in a Fragmented World
Episode 14

Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 23, 2020

Pastor Scholar?
Episode 13

Dr. Gray Sutanto
June 15, 2020

Agreeably Disagreeing
Episode 8

Dr. Gray Sutanto
May 11, 2020

Episode 6

Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 27, 2020

Welcome Gray Sutanto
Episode 5

Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 21, 2020

How do I find joy in suffering?

Dr. Peter Lee
April 21, 2020

The Value of Seminary
Episode 4

Dr. Paul S. Jeon
April 11, 2020

Episode 3

Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 7, 2020

Anxiety in Troubled Times
Episode 2

Dr. Paul S. Jeon
April 1, 2020

Practicing Presence in Quarantine
Episode 1

Dr. Paul S. Jeon
March 18, 2020