
The University of Texas at Arlington, B.B.A.

About Mr. Morris

Gregory Morris joined RTS Dallas in May 2023 to develop and grow financial partnerships and passionate stakeholder support for the Dallas campus. As Director of Development, Greg’s responsibilities are primarily shepherding, strengthening, and building strong donor relationships with individuals, churches, and other faith-based organizations.

Greg was a sales and marketing executive and senior systems engineer in computer systems technology, architecture, and design for 22 years. In addition, he has served in faith-based non-profit fundraising and donor development for 11 years including 9 years with The Seed Company (a Wycliffe organization) as Director of Executive Partner Relations.

Greg and his wife, Donna, are natives of Dallas and attend Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCA). Both are active in the Chancel Choir and he serves as a ruling elder. The Morrises have two beautiful daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, and six precious grandchildren.