
Belhaven University, B.A.
Reformed Theological Seminary, MDiv, DMin
University of Wales, Ph.D.

About Dr. Quarterman

Dr. Clay Quarterman was a career missionary for 42 years with MTW, planting churches in Portugal and Ukraine. He pastored churches in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia before going to the field. Their team started 12 Presbyterian churches and established humanitarian and educational institutions in Ukraine. Dr. Q. became founding president of the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU), where he taught practical theology for 20 years.

Clay attended the opening ceremonies of RTS when he was only 14. He grew up in First Presbyterian Church of Jackson and has been a minister of the Presbytery of MS Valley since 1978. Clay and Darlene met at Belhaven University, and their first date was to a missions conference. Their 3 grandchildren live in Jackson, and their four sons, all born in Portugal, now live across the U.S. with their wives.

Dr. Q. has served on various boards:  TULIP Publishers, Odessa Christian Counseling Center, Odessa Christian Business Center, Presbytery of Ukraine, and is now President of his homeowners association. He is a Teacher-Trainer of Evangelism Explosion and served on the Board of EE in Portugal. His D.Min. studies evaluated the Cross–Cultural Adaptation of EEIII, International, to the Portuguese context.

Dr Q. prepared his Ph.D. on “Presbyterian Polity and the Transfer of Leadership in Cross-cultural Situations: A Study in Presbyterian Missiology.” He enjoys various hobbies, including photography, snorkeling, ham radio, music, and astronomy.