RTS Houston is now approved to offer classes for credit and plans eventually to offer the complete MAR and M.Div. degrees. Classes will be held at Christ Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas. Two classes are scheduled for the fall semester and will be taught by Dr. Bob Cara and Dr. Derek Thomas. Those who wish to complete courses for graduate credit and who have not been admitted to RTS should contact the RTS Orlando Admissions Office at 1-800-752-4382 or by email at
admissions.houston@rts.edu. Click here for class information and select “Houston/Fall, 2010.” Registration is now open for both credit-seeking students and auditors. Those who would like to audit a course (with no academic credit earned) should register by contacting Lanny Conley (
lconley@rts.edu). Audit tuition is charged at a rate of $50 per semester hour. Fall Classes begin Aug. 20.