Noted patristics scholar to take up post at RTS Orlando beginning July 2024

OVIEDO, Fla. — Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Dr. Jonatán Simons (MDiv ’12) has been named Fellow in Early Christianity. Teaching primarily at RTS Orlando, Dr. Simons will hold the fellowship from July 2024 to January 2025.
An RTS fellow may be invited to lecture, contribute to seminary publications, have an office, receive library privileges, and more. In this capacity, Dr. Simons will be teaching residential students in Orlando as well as students in the Hybrid MDiv program and across the institution.
An internationally recognized scholar in the field of patristics and early church history, Dr. Simons earned his Ph.D. from Australian Catholic University under the supervision of Dr. Lewis Ayres. Brill recently published his dissertation as Divine Simplicity in the Theology of Irenaeus.
Previously, he completed an MA at Wheaton College, an MDiv at RTS Charlotte, and a BA at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He has presented at the Oxford Patristics Conference and received awards from the North American Patristics Society and Wheaton College. Currently, he teaches church history and theology at Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia.
“We are so thankful to be welcoming Dr. Simons and his family—his wife Teresa and their three children—to RTS Orlando this summer,” said Dr. Michael Allen, RTS Orlando Academic Dean. “Not only is he an RTS alumnus, but he also studied at Palm Beach Atlantic University with our own Dr. Zach Cole. He will also bring expertise on early Christianity and experience from the church and academy in South America to his role that I know will bless our community profoundly.”