General Information

Job Title:

Senior Pastor

Job Description:

The senior pastor will serve as spiritual leader, advisor and overseer of the congregation. He will head the leadership team and be responsible for the pulpit ministry and services; provide Biblical vision and leadership, working with leaders to implement the vision; provide Biblical counseling; lead the church in evangelism and outreach; train believers for works of service; exposit the Scriptures in teaching and preaching; love the people of the church and shepherd them, including visiting the sick and house-bound; help the congregation establish Biblical financial and ministry priorities; perform weddings and funerals; and support and encourage the various ministries of the church and those who lead them. The church would like the pastor to help us move to a multiple elder model that retains congregational rule. The pastor should be Baptist by conviction, and should embrace and teach doctrine consistent with the tenets of our Articles of Faith. We are near a major university, and we would like the pastor help us have a greater visibility and impact on the campus.

Position Qualifications:

Highly qualified candidates should have at least 3 years’ experience in full-time ministry plus an M.Div. or equivalent. Salary is negotiable and depends upon education and experience, but will range from $60,000-$75,000. We will provide detailed information about TBC, including articles of faith, history of the church, financial information and community demographics for applicants we believe would be a good fit for the church.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Trinity Baptist Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(775) 309-3376





City, State

Muncie, IN

Description of Organization

Trinity Baptist Church is an independent, evangelical Baptist church located in Muncie, Indiana. We believe in the supremacy of Christ and in the sufficiency of His Word. TBC is a theologically and socially conservative Baptist church of about 80 regular attendees and is located about 5 minutes from the campus of Ball State University. We are strongly committed to inerrancy and sufficiency of the Scriptures, expositional preaching, sequential Bible study, a Reformational understanding of the gospel, premillennial eschatology, sound Biblically-based doctrine, congregational polity/rule, and healthy Christian relationships. We are seeking a qualified man to serve in the role of Senior Pastor.
The senior pastor should have a credible testimony of God’s drawing him to respond in faith to the Gospel and being aligned to the requirements for elders listed in Titus 1:6-9 & 1 Timothy 3:1-7. He must be above reproach in regard to his home, self-control, personal integrity, and handling biblical truth.
1.This man should enthusiastically agree with and teach doctrine in accordance with TBC’s Articles of Faith. He should also function within the structure of TBC’s Constitution and Bylaws.
2.This man should understand that a Pastor/Elder/Overseer’s gifting, personality, and experience can work its way out in a variety of different ministries and emphases. The primary way a Pastor ministers to the flock is in the preaching of God’s Word.
-As a “pastor”, he must shepherd, care for, nurture, and protect God’s flock.
-As an “elder”, he must demonstrate maturity and wisdom.
-As an “overseer”, he must provide leadership and guidance.
-At TBC we believe every member is a minister and that part of following Jesus is helping others follow Jesus. To this end, the Pastor serves as something of a “player-coach”; he does ministry, but not all of it. He coaches and guides the flock in regard to (a) knowing Christ, (b) knowing Christ’s people, (c) growing in Christlikeness, and (d) fulfilling the great commission.
Given these foundational requirements, the position of senior pastor at TBC includes…
-Spending significant time in prayer and bible study.
-Serving as the spiritual leader, advisor, and overseer of the congregation.
-Working collaboratively with church leadership to develop and implement the vision and mission of the church.
-Planning and conducting worship services.
-Preparing for and preaching the Word of God in church services and leading in observance of the ordinances.
-Arranging for pulpit supply in case of absence.
-Leading the church in evangelism and outreach.
-Leading the church in compassion ministry for the church and the community.
-Conducting biblical counseling.
-Performing weddings and conducting funerals.
-Interviewing potential new church members and leading the pre-membership class.
-Identifying potential ministry needs, and helping the church identify and use each member’s gifts.
-Helping the church live out its membership covenant.
-Equip members for the work of the ministry
-Other duties as needed.
TBC would like the incoming pastor to help us transition to a multiple elder model while maintaining congregational rule. We also would like the pastor to work with the leadership team to identify a biblical vision for reaching our community and to help the church grow in faith and in community impact. Finally because we are located in the growth area of Muncie and are adjacent to a large university (Ball State University), we would like to enhance our visibility and impact on young families and within the university and professional community.
Interested candidates should contact us at Please submit contact information, a complete resume, links to sermons, a statement of beliefs, a list of references, and any additional information you would like us to see. Highly qualified candidates should have at least 3 years’ experience in full-time ministry plus an M.Div. or equivalent. Salary is negotiable and depends upon education and experience, but will likely range from $60,000-$75,000. We will provide detailed information about TBC, including articles of faith, history of the church, financial information and community demographics for applicants we believe might be a good fit for the church.

Contact Via Email