General Information

Job Title:

Pastoral Fellow

Job Description:

To provide personalized, hands-on training and experience for seminary graduates desiring to develop further their ministry aptitude, gifts, and sense of calling

About the Fellowship
Fellows will work closely with and support the ministry staff in their duties, all to the promotion of the vision and mission of the church. URC will invest in this fellow and his family, assisting in his preparation for full-time ministry. Each fellow will receive assistance in finding a suitable call upon the completion of the fellowship.

A full description of the Fellowship program can be found here:

Position Qualifications:

– An evident love for Christ, for His Word, and for His people
– An ability to work well with others
– A vibrant personal holiness
– General agreement with URC’s confession of faith and the Reformed confessions to which it holds

Fellows must be graduates with an M.Div from an approved seminary. The Fellowship usually lasts for 1-2 years and includes a full-time salary with benefits. The majority of the funds are provided through URC’s Pastoral Fellowship Fund, and remaining funds are provided through a Fellow’s fundraising.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

University Reformed Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(517) 351-6810




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

East Lansing, MI

Description of Organization

University Reformed Church is a Bible-believing church in East Lansing, Michigan near Michigan State University. We strive to be a Christ-centered, Bible based, mission minded, burden-bearing, mercy-ministering, pilgrim people who are passionately and prayerfully committed to glorifying God and enjoying Him in all of life.

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