General Information
Job Title:
Job Description:
Lookout Valley Presbyterian Church Job Description – Senior Pastor
Lookout Valley Presbyterian Church exists to bring about the joyful fulfillment of God’s design for every
last person.1 The Senior Pastor is called to assist LVPC in accomplishing this goal through the preaching
of the Word, shepherding members, and leading the vision and theology of the church in accordance with
Scripture and the constitution of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
Oversight – Oversees & coordinates the yearly preaching calendar and makes decisions about preaching
series. Works with the Session and Music Minister to oversee the weekly service planning, including
service elements, song choice, and other liturgical aspects of the service.
Preaching – Leads our church family through regular preaching during our Sunday worship services.
Prayer & Personal Devotion – The Lead Pastor is expected to regularly dedicate time towards prayer and personal devotion, with the goal of personal growth and fellowship with God and for the purpose of
modeling Christian discipleship for our church family.
Preparation – Studies and meditates on God’s Word, and reads church history, theology, biblical studies,
and/or ministry leadership works to enhance understanding, teaching, preaching prowess, and leadership.
Teaching Opportunities – Supports the teaching ministries of LVPC by providing teaching and
instruction/oversight for smaller groups within the church, like teaching a Core Class on Wednesday night.
Church Mission – Works with LVPC’s Session to develop and lead our congregation towards the pursuit
of the core mission of the church. (See the CIF and Mission Statement)
Congregational Leadership – Provides congregational leadership through preaching, relational care and counsel, and any other form of leadership needed to guide our congregation towards an understanding of the gospel and the pursuit of the core mission & vision for the church.
Session – Meets regularly with the Session to discuss aspects of church leadership and provide guiding
direction & oversight for the church, with an emphasis on addressing the leadership and needs of the
congregation towards the fulfillment of our mission. Committed to the Presbyterian model of joint
leadership and ministry with the Ruling Elders, skilled in Moderator responsibilities and leadership of the
Session in conducting the ministry and “business” of the church.
Staff – Responsible for leading and pastoring LVPC’s staff, which includes encouragement, training, and
pastoral oversight. Meets with staff to help them to fulfill LVPC’s core mission.
Meetings – Aims to meet with individuals in an evangelistic setting as an opportunity to pursue the lost
with the gospel and carry out the mission of our church as a model for our church family.
Discipleship – Seeks opportunities to personally disciple individuals within our church family through
small group discipleship or one-on-one meetings and grow the church through community involvement.
Theology – Is thoroughly knowledgeable of the Bible and the power of prayer and lives as an impactful
prayer leader.
Sunday Worship Services – Performs pastoral duties of teaching and the administration of sacraments (first Sunday of each month) during our Sunday worship services.
Pastoral Care – Meets with individuals throughout our church family to provide care, crisis counseling, and spiritual formation as needed.
Weddings, Funerals & Other Events – Performs weddings and funerals for those within our church family.
Oversees special events appropriate to the life of the church.
Presbytery, General Assembly, and Service – The Senior Pastor should attend Presbytery as often as
possible and General Assembly when able; furthermore, he should seek one way to serve the
denomination and committees.
Please send application, Personal Information Form (PIF), Resume to
1 Josh Hausen of Redeemer Community Church in Birmingham, AL, and Brainerd Presbyterian
Church authored a great deal of this job description. It has been amended and edited, but they
provided the basic structure and verbiage.
Position Qualifications:
In accordance with our denomination, please see the attached qualifications for Evangelical Presbyterian Church pastors. If a candidate is not currently an EPC pastor, that does not disqualify him/her from being selected if they are willing to submit to the process of affiliation with the EPC.
EPC Ordination Qualifications | EPC
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Lookout Valley Presbyterian Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
City, State
Chattanooga, TN
Description of Organization
Lookout Valley Presbyterian is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination. The church offers weekly services and Sunday School in a traditional style and setting. The spiritual growth of individuals and the congregation as a whole, local outreach and mission opportunities are important to the congregation.
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