General Information

Job Title:

Minister of Music: Farmhaven Baptist Church

Job Description:

Principle function: 

 The Minister of Music is responsible to the Pastor for assisting the Church in planning, coordinating and promoting music programs and worship services.

Office hours:

Sundays:   9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.


Sick days:  8 days per year.

Vacation:  2 weeks per year for the first year of ministry.  After the first year, 3 weeks of vacation per year.  After 5 years of service, 4 weeks of vacation per year.


Conferences/Revivals/Mission Trips:  3 weeks per year.


Salary:  $800 per month.


There are no medical or retirement benefits.

Position Qualifications:

 Direct the planning, organizing, conducting and evaluating of a comprehensive music program in preparing groups, soloists and choirs for internal and external ministry.

  1. Coordinate the music program with the organizational calendar of the Church.
  2. Monitor the purchasing, maintenance and replacement of all music related equipment, supplies and instruments.
  3. Prepare an annual music budget.
  4. Direct congregational singing on Sunday morning.
  5. Plan and arrange every Tuesday an “Order of Service” for Sunday worship services.
  6. Be alert to win the lost and assist the Church in reaching the unsaved.

Application Deadline

Job Type:

Part Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Farmhaven Baptist Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(601) 934-6615




Baptist - Other

City, State

Canton, MS

Description of Organization

Farmhaven Baptist Church Minister of Music

420 Pat Luckett Road

Canton, MS 39046


Contact Via Email