General Information
Job Title:
Director of Youth & Young Adults: Reston Presbyterian Church
Job Description:
Reston Presbyterian Church is seeking a passionate leader to disciple middle school, high school, and college-age students, equipping them to become disciple-makers. This role will oversee ministry efforts for students in grades 6-12, as well as young adults who are of college age (18-24).
We anticipate this staff member dedicating approximately 35 hours per week to the youth ministry and 5 hours per week to the young adult ministry.
Position Qualifications:
- A deep, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, a passion for discipling youth and young adults, and a heart for evangelism.
- A team player with a servant heart.
- Strong relational and leadership skills; gifted at gathering and connecting with people.
- Education: Bachelor’s Degree minimum.
- Experience in youth and/or young adult ministry preferred.
- Embraces reformed theology. (If no formal theological education, a willingness to take courses and grow in this area).
- Candidates will need to pass a basic background check.
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Reston Presbyterian Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
City, State
Reston, VA
Description of Organization
Our mission is “Disciples in Life. Disciples in Community. Discipling Northern Virginia.” We are a growing church of approximately 200 people, located in Reston, VA (between Washington D.C. and Dulles Airport). With over 2 million people living within a 30-minute drive, we believe our church is in a strategic position to see the gospel make a lasting impact on the area.
Our youth ministry currently serves around 30 students, with 15 highly engaged. Our college-age ministry is a new and growing effort, with about 10 young adults interested.
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