General Information
Job Title:
Associate Pastor: First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach
Job Description:
This position serves as the full-time Associate Pastor for the First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, a multi-generational church located on the Treasure Coast of east central Florida. The Associate Pastor will have broadly defined skills which include, but are not limited to, preaching on average one Sunday per month, assisting with weekly Sunday worship services, administering the sacraments, teaching, leading talent committees, and providing pastoral care to members of the Congregation. In addition, the Associate Pastor will directly manage and oversee growing youth and young family ministries programs. This position encourages and supports the multi-generational ministry of the church, and through it connects the body of Christ across all age groups.
The Associate Pastor will serve as a generalist in the full scope of ministry the Associate will oversee and have oversight for ministry to and with youth and family ministries. The Associate Pastor will preach on average once a month and serve as a liturgist weekly. The Associate Pastor will be asked to teach and lead ministry teams.
The position of Associate Pastor will help build “Christlike” relationships with all our members and families beyond the walls and programmatic ministries of our church. In this “post-Covid age” the church needs pastors who will serve as mentors, guides, and sojourners in faith who possess a strong theology of the body of Christ (i.e., the Church).
The characteristics needed to fill the position of Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church are bound first and foremost in love, faith, and hope. We expect our Associate Pastor to grow to love our church family as we are called to love one another in the great commandment. The characteristics of this love will be revealed in kindness, patience, grace, and understanding.
The great sentence used in ordination is also applicable to this position: we ask our Associate Pastor to serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love. The Ministry demands great effort. The characteristics of the Associate Pastor for First Presbyterian Church will certainly include a strong work ethic and great flexibility regarding time and talent.
The Associate Pastor will need to possess characteristics that allow them to work closely and effectively with the Senior Pastor, ministry and program staff, administrative staff, officers, youth, and volunteers in regard to planning and implementing ministry initiatives.
Position Qualifications:
Education and experience
- Undergrad degree relevant to this role
- Master of Divinity required
- Doctorate preferred
- 5+ years experience, preferred – but not required. Open to candidates where this would be their first call to full-time vocational ministry.
- Ordained or ordainable in the Presbyterian denomination
Knowledge, skills, and abilities
- Decision-making skills
- Preaching and worship leadership
- Strong communication skills
- Collaboration skills
Personal characteristics and qualifications
- Serves with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love
- Strong work ethic
- Great flexibility regarding time and talent
- Spiritual maturity
- Teacher
- Public communicator
- Advisor
- Initiatives
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach
Contact Name & Contact Info
Presbyterian - Other
City, State
Vero Beach, FL
Description of Organization
First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, FL (FPCVB) is a strong and vibrant Christian community. We like to share with our congregation, friends, and guests that “We are a Church large enough to meet your needs and small enough to need you!” This belief complements our church’s mission statement: “Building Faith, Changing Lives, Sharing Christ!”
FPCVB is a congregation that is faithful to a vision of the gospel where unity, faithfulness, and love are promoted. While acknowledging our human frailty, FPCVB continues to be engaged in mission within the church and beyond. As a result of the strength and vitality of our congregation, FPCVB has a staff that is engaged and excited in ministry. The nature of our staff and leadership affords continuity for our congregation allowing them to take risks, seek upgrades, and promote new ideas in service to Christ.
The staff of FPCVB has six core values that drive our service: God is Good, Praise /Alleluia, Authenticity, Creativity, Generosity, and Team Accountability. FPCVB has established a “Five Talent Church” structure. This structure is based on the “five talents” of the church found in Discipleship, Fellowship, Hospitality, Mission & Worship, Music, and Arts. FPCVB believes that we are more than a one-talent church and more than a two-talent church. We are a five-talent church. We are called to increase the blessings that God has bestowed upon us!
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