General Information
Job Title:
Assistant Pastor of Youth & Young Adults: Reston Presbyterian Church
Job Description:
Reston Presbyterian Church is seeking a passionate leader to disciple middle school, high school, and college-age students, equipping them to become disciple-makers. This role will oversee ministry efforts for students in grades 6-12, as well as young adults who are of college age (18-24).
We anticipate this staff member dedicating approximately 35 hours per week to the youth ministry and 5 hours per week to the young adult ministry.
For candidates who are ordained or pursuing ordination, this position also provides opportunities for growth in other ministry areas, including development in preaching, pastoral care, and worship leading. Please note that RPC holds to a complementarian view regarding the office of Teaching Elders.
Position Qualifications:
- A deep, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, a passion for discipling youth and young adults, and a heart for evangelism.
- A team player with a servant heart.
- Strong relational and leadership skills; gifted at gathering and connecting with people.
- Education: M.Div or equivalent theological education.
- Experience in youth and/or young adult ministry preferred.
- Embraces reformed theology. (If no formal theological education, a willingness to take courses and grow in this area).
- Ordained or ordainable in the EPC.
- Candidates will need to pass a basic background check.
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Reston Presbyterian Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
City, State
Reston, VA
Description of Organization
Our mission is “Disciples in Life. Disciples in Community. Discipling Northern Virginia.” We are a growing church of approximately 200 people, located in Reston, VA (between Washington D.C. and Dulles Airport). With over 2 million people living within a 30-minute drive, we believe our church is in a strategic position to see the gospel make a lasting impact on the area.
Our youth ministry currently serves around 30 students, with 15 highly engaged. Our college-age ministry is a new and growing effort, with about 10 young adults interested.
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