General Information
Job Title:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade Teacher: The Stonehaven School
Job Description:
The goal of a classical educator is to instill a passion for learning in a child that will never cease to burn. Our teachers are not forming and shaping a person that can do something but rather a person that can be someone. We are training students for God’s calling on their lives, preparing them well through a Christ-centered classical education to fulfill their calling for the honor and glory of God. One of the most important components to successfully educating our students is the hiring of excellent and passionate teachers and staff members!
We are hiring a full-time Lower Grammar School Teacher for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Grade to begin work in the 2025-26 school year. Key teacher attributes and job responsibilities are as follows:
Job Responsibilities
- Possesses a broad competence in a variety of academic disciplines
- Strives to apply the philosophy and methods of classical Christian education in students through a distinctly Christ-centered classical approach to education
- Provides an orderly teaching environment by consistently enforcing class rules and the school’s discipline policies
- Plans lessons and submits lesson plans as prescribed by the Lower School Principal in order to achieve course objectives
- Uses a variety of assignments to measure student learning
- Keeps students, parents, and administrators adequately informed of deficiencies and gives sufficient notice of failure
- Demonstrates a biblical approach to their work evidenced by punctuality, cheerful and compliant attitude, attention to duties, appearance, etc., and follows the guidelines as set forth in the Staff Handbook
Position Qualifications:
The ideal candidate will have either relevant teaching experience or work experience in a related field. While experience with a Christ-centered classical school is desirable, all candidates who embrace our mission and vision are welcome to apply. It is our desire that candidates are excited about building, strengthening, and growing our school and will be eager to get involved beyond the classroom as need and opportunity arises.
- Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable undergraduate institution
- Accepts without verbal or mental reservations and is committed to upholding The Stonehaven School’s Academic Philosophy, Statement of Faith, and Statement on Sanctity of Life, Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality.
- Serves Christ under the authority of a local Protestant Christian church whose beliefs and teachings are in fundamental agreement with The Stonehaven School’s Statement of Faith and Statement on Sanctity of Life, Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
- It is expected that the staff member will comply with all applicable policies of The Stonehaven School and with all administrative directives
- Staff members are expected to enroll their own school-aged children at The Stonehaven School
- Teachers at The Stonehaven School are expected to possess a love for God, a love for the students they teach, a love for their subject matter, a love for the parents they serve, and a love for the school
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
The Stonehaven School
Contact Name & Contact Info
Not Applicable
City, State
Marietta, GA
Description of Organization
The Stonehaven School exists to glorify God by cultivating truth, goodness, and beauty in students through a distinctly Christ-centered classical education. Our school is refreshingly unique in its class offerings, thoroughly classical in its approach to learning, and intentionally focused on the cultivation of virtue in our students. The Stonehaven School strives to be the premier classical Christian K-12 school in the Metro Atlanta area with a reputation for Christian virtue and academic excellence.
The foundational commitments of The Stonehaven School include the following:
- We believe that every aspect of our children's education must be intentionally founded upon biblical truth.
- We are committed to the traditional and long-established, exemplary forms and standards in education handed down from ancient and medieval educators.
- We believe that true education culminates in wise and virtuous students who are being conformed to the image of Christ.
- We are dedicated to teaching and learning with excellence as unto the Lord.
- We believe that true education recognizes that hearts and minds are shaped not only by ideas and knowledge, but also by practices, habits, routines, and liturgies.
- We seek to assist parents in their God-given task of educating their children in the Lord.
- We believe parents should actively participate in the life and community of the school.
The Stonehaven School is a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-denominational, classical Christian school, accredited through both the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).
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