Why Colossians?

If you are feeling tempted, tried, or otherwise overwhelmed with the cares and concerns of this world, you may need to be reminded to lift your eyes from your circumstances and focus them upon Christ. That is precisely what the apostle Paul does in the book of Colossians. He lifts our gaze from our present circumstances to see Christ in all of his glory. Christ is the pearl of great value, the hidden treasure who is worth selling all to receive. Colossians presents this glorious picture to remind us that this world is not our home.

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About Dr. Guy Richard

Dr. Guy M. Richard (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) is President and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at RTS Atlanta. Prior to his arrival in Atlanta, Dr. Richard served as the Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, Mississippi (PCA) for almost 12 years. He and his wife Jennifer have three children.