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Canceled due to COVID-19.

During the spring semester RTS Women’s Fellowship will gather to begin a series titled “Loving Them Well: Ministering to the Needs of Women throughout All Stages of Life. Adult life is not one long stage from 21 to senior citizen; it is in fact a time of active and significant personal growth. The challenges and opportunities, the blessings and trials take on new faces at each life stage. Join RTS women from the classroom or as wives of ministry students as we hear from women in different life stages. This series is designed to be very practical help to enable you to operate with wisdom and love as you seek to minister to those women in your particular sphere of influence.

In addition to the panel events, the women will gather for fellowship, prayer, and discipleship once a month. All women are welcome to attend! If you are a husband seeing this event, please encourage your spouse to come! If you are a single male student, your support is invaluable.

If you have additional questions, please contact Mary Lowry mlnvollema@gmail.com or Rachel Underwood runderwood@rts.edu for more information. 


February 17, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Rachel Underwood


RTS Jackson Student Center
5422 Clinton Blvd.
Jackson, MS 39209 United States
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