I went to RTS to learn more about how to minister in an intergenerational context. I sought to learn how the Scriptures could speak to uniting different generations together in the church and keeping young students involved and engaged with their local congregation. With the growing rate of high school students leaving the church upon graduation, I knew that RTS could offer solutions in dealing with this issue from a biblical perspective. I was excited and hopeful. Every person that I’ve talked to seems to have come across the same issue, and it made me feel as though all of us within the church could relate to this particular struggle. I knew that it would be difficult and challenging, but the pursuit was worth it.  

My first class was Greek, and the professor read from 1 John and told us about the importance of language and meaning in the text. Languages are by far one of the hardest things for me to grasp, and yet being excited about the original text of Scripture confirmed my desires to enter into seminary. I was working full time as a Youth Director while in seminary, so many of the class lessons that I took had a direct application to my ministry with the students! I think that the most beneficial thing I learned was that counseling to young students could be done through the framework of two questions: “Who am I?” and “Who is Christ?”. That profound line of questioning from my Gospels course has benefitted me greatly in my ministry to the students I teach.  

Before enrolling, I would say that my understanding of the Scriptures was a smorgasbord of unconnected thoughts. RTS gave me a theological and biblical foundation on which to understand the entirety of God’s word in a way that ministers to the souls of the people I work with. From the professors who took the time to be invested in my life and guide me through ministry challenges, to the fellowship I had with students who were in the same phase of life I was, it was an enriching time that I would not trade. I thank God for this ministry and the way it continues to serve me in my life today. 

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