After graduating from college, I was still unsure which career I might be able to pursue. I knew that I wanted to be involved in some sort of ministry and had a passion for learning Scripture. I felt nervous about attending seminary without a clear calling to vocational ministry. At the same time, I was very excited for the opportunity to learn so much about the Bible, theology, and history. All the professors at RTS showed their commitment to the Word of God and their desire to teach it faithfully.

After seminary, I spent a year working in a public library. I enjoyed the work and enrolled in a MLIS program. The semester after I earned the MLIS degree, the head librarian at RTS called me and asked if I would be interested in a library job at RTS. I am so blessed to have been given an opportunity to use both my seminary degree and my library degree every day at work. This opportunity, of course, only became available because of my seminary education. Before I enrolled in RTS, I was very unsure about where God would be leading me in my career of service to Him. After graduating, I had a much better understanding of my own sense of calling.

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