I pursued theological training at RTS to equip me for pastoral ministry. Having been exposed to Reformed Theology through the Renewing Your Mind broadcast, I was particularly looking for a Reformed education. My identity as an African American with Reformed leanings made me feel like an aberration. I was excited about attending RTS, but unsure of where I would minister once I graduated. Before I enrolled, I was invited to sit in on a course to experience being in the classroom again. My mind was enlivened and my heart was full after the instruction and discussion. This confirmation that RTS was the right choice was further affirmed when I took the Gospels course my first semester. God’s word and the pastoral implications of Jesus’ ministry were opened in new ways for me. My experiences at RTS equipped me to pursue the kingdom vision of unity in diversity in my pastorate. I like to say that RTS gave me a robust way of codifying my ministry passion: “The ministry of reconciliation demonstrated in the local church by the gathering of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities is the natural outworking of a rich covenantal theological commitment.” My time at RTS enabled me to clarify and codify this vision. By the time I graduated, I knew that I must be engaged in the pursuit of multi-ethnic and cross-cultural ministry in the local church. 

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