General Information
Job Title:
Associate Pastor for Family Ministries: Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
Job Description:
The Family Ministry of Signal Pres is led by multiple staff members and over 100 volunteers, engaging more than 500 kids and students every week with the gospel. As a part of the pastoral team, the Associate Pastor for Family Ministries will provide oversight, care and strategic direction to this vital ministry as it serves the church’s vision to equip all people to live ordinary life as the faithful presence of Jesus’ love.
Personal Qualities
- A faithful shepherd who embodies the qualifications of an elder as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7
- A gifted manager with experience leading teams
- A committed disciple maker who leads other disciple makers by example
- A proven commitment to families, including kids, students and parents, in the context of the local church
Position Qualifications:
Equip Ministry Leaders
- Serve as the direct report for the directors & the team leader for all staff members in the Kids Ministry, Student Ministry, Embrace Ministry (special needs families) & the Director & Assistant Director of Presbyterian Day School (pre-school)
- Provide oversight of the various lay committees associated with the Family Ministry
- Ensure that both collectively and as individual teams, the Family Ministry is aligned in its goals and strategic in its pursuit of those goals
- In partnership with Family Ministry staff, invite, train, resource, encourage and support volunteers throughout the Family Ministry
Steward Ministry Structures
- Be an active presence in the many ministry offerings throughout the Family Ministry, including regular teaching responsibilities with kids, students & parents
- Lead the Family Ministry Team in reviewing, amending and supporting ministry structures to ensure that they are always supporting the ministry’s short and long term goals
Shepherd Ministry Partners
- Carry out a faithful pastoral ministry to kids, students and their parents, including pastoral care, counseling, visitation, etc….
- Provide resources and training for parents as they serve on the front lines of their children’s discipleship
Fulfill Ministry Callings
- Carry out the responsibilities of a Teaching Elder in the EPC as assigned by the Senior Pastor
- Assist on a weekly basis in worship leadership, preaching approximately 4 times a year
- Partner with the pastors and elders in the pastoral care of the wider church
- Serve as part of the staff leadership team
- The Associate Pastor for Family Ministries will report to the Senior Pastor, and be accountable to the Church Session and the Presbytery of the Southeast.
- Ordained (or willing & qualified to be ordained) in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church
- A track record of caring for God’s people in the local church (ordained experience is preferred)
- If applicable, a strongly supportive family having a clear understanding of the requirements of the position
- Satisfactory background check
To apply, please send an EPC PIF, resume & introductory letter to
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
City, State
Signal Mountain, TN
Description of Organization
Located on Signal Mountain just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church’s vision is to equip all people to live ordinary life as the faithful presence of Jesus’ love. Nearing its one-hundred-year anniversary, Signal Pres has over 1,700 members and average weekly worship attendance is around 700. The staff of about thirty full and part time team members partners with the congregation in the vital areas of kids, student and adult discipleship. A multigenerational body, the church has vibrant ministries for young families all the way up to senior adults.
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