General Information

Job Title:

Tech Director: Grace and Peace Church

Job Description:

Position Summary: 

This position involves managing technical elements and directing volunteers for Sunday morning services, and holiday services including setup and teardown. The required timeframe is 8 to 10 hours per week. 

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Building slides before Sunday morning services  
  • Arriving at church around 7 am and staying to lock up till about 1 pm
  • Setup and Teardown of all sound, projection, and live stream equipment
  • Supervising the Teardown Team to ensure all tasks are completed and the space is securely locked
  • Overseeing volunteer Tech Assistant 
  • Running projection during the service (if needed)
  • Running sound during the service
  • Setting up the camera and overseeing the live stream
  • Charging and maintaining all technical equipment, organizing, etc.
  • Organizing sound, projection, and setting up for holiday services

Position Qualifications:



  • The individual must base their faith on the Bible, professing beliefs consistent with Reformed theology expressed through the views and government of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).
  • Must be actively pursuing God through spiritual disciplines (prayer, time in Scripture, fellowship with other believers, etc.)
  • Must express a readiness through membership to commit to the pursuit of the vision and mission of Grace + Peace Church
  • Must be theologically comfortable with G + P’s view of the purpose of music in the worship service as outlined in the G + P Worship/Music Team Information document



  • Experience in standard church AV systems regarding worship team setup and teardown every week. 
  • An extensive understanding of Behringer or equivalent mixers. Or specifically the Behringer X Air XR18 18-channel Tablet-Controlled Digital Mixer. As well as using the app Mixing Station to mix and control the mixer.
  • Experience and a good understanding of the program ProPresenter to create slides for worship songs, liturgies, and countdowns for Sunday mornings. 
  • Experience in livestream and broadcast production as well as knowledge of basic videography principles. A plus if you have experience with Logitech’s Mevo camera.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Part Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Grace and Peace Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(615) 879-8890




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Colorado Springs, CO

Description of Organization

Although Grace & Peace is a new church plant, our beliefs and practices are not. Uniting with the church in all times and places, we embrace the historic Christian faith expressed in the ecumenical creeds (e.g., the Apostles and Nicene Creeds). We are also committed to the theological heritage of the Protestant Reformation as a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination grounded in the historic reformation theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger (part 1, part 2) and Shorter Catechisms. Additionally, we often use the Heidelberg Catechism, and the recent New City Catechism in our worship services.

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