General Information
Job Title:
Director or Pastor of Youth Ministries: First Presbyterian Church of Ripon
Job Description:
First Presbyterian Church of Ripon, California is currently seeking a full-time Director or Pastor of Youth Ministries who will be responsible for the junior high, high school, and post-high ministries of our church. We desire this position to help incorporate our youth into fulfilling the mission of First Presbyterian Church: “Building a Community of People Who Love Jesus Passionately and Serve Others Joyfully.”
Position Qualifications:
Prospective applicants should have a deep love for the Lord, a love for the Reformed faith, a heart and passion for youth, and a desire to work with and train other volunteer leaders. Our prayer is that the ministry will strengthen our youth, teach them what it means to live with Jesus as their Lord and build them up as future leaders in the faith. Housing will be provided by the church! To learn more about First Presbyterian Church please visit us at Those interested in learning more about this position or would like to receive a job description please contact Christy in the church office at, 305 Boesch Drive, Ripon CA 95366, or 209-599-3225.
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
First Presbyterian Church of Ripon
Contact Name & Contact Info
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
City, State
Ripon, CA
Description of Organization
We are a large, extended family of people seeking to build a community of people who love Jesus passionately and serve others joyfully.
Contact Via Email