General Information

Job Title:

Senior Pastor: Christ Church Ann Arbor

Job Description:

❖ Preach the Sunday sermon weekly.
❖ Preside over the Lord’s table weekly.
❖ Work with staff to prepare the weekly liturgy as outlined in the worship bulletin and
choose music in collaboration with the music ministry coordinator.
❖ Actively oversee staff members with regular meetings and communicate with them in
person and electronically.
❖ Cultivate interactive relationships with the ruling elders and assistant pastor and
annually undertake a mutual review of the health of the church under their leadership.
❖ Actively support the deacons in their work for the church.
❖ Take part, according to capacity, in Great Lakes Presbytery affairs.
❖ Ensure that church ministries meet the wide range of discipleship needs of the
congregation (in particular, children and single adults currently) so that no one feels left
out of the church’s sphere of concern.
❖ Encourage members to gather outside of church services for Bible study and mutual
support, such as in small groups.
❖ Lead and equip members in outreach to the community, involvement in mission and
charitable work.
❖ Undertake private biblical counseling of individuals and couples, recommending outside
resources as necessary.
❖ Officiate weddings and conduct premarital counseling, in conjunction with elders or
other mature couples in the church.
❖ Conduct baptisms. Visit and comfort the dying and bereaved; officiate funerals.
❖ Reach out to members suffering difficulties. Visit the sick and shut-ins.
❖ Delegate responsibilities to share the load of leadership as the church grows.

Position Qualifications:

Application Deadline

Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Christ Church Ann Arbor

Contact Name & Contact Info

Pastoral Search Committee

(989) 928-1937




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Ann Arbor, MI

Description of Organization

Christ Church Ann Arbor exists by the grace of God and for the glory of God. Our purpose is to know Christ and to make him known by loving God and our neighbors. We endeavor to bless our community by communicating truth and grace, showing mercy, and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Contact Via Email