General Information
Job Title:
Pastoral Intern: Cornerstone PCA
Job Description:
General Responsibility: To serve our Lord through Cornerstone PCA in a ministry role focused upon growth and development through practical experience.
Ministry Specific:
● Spend time studying and growing in areas of theology, ministry, and personal growth.
● Learn, grow and develop the discipleship ministries of the church (Nursery, Children’s, Youth Min, and Adult Small Groups).
● Come alongside the Pastor and Sunday Morning teams (hospitality, welcome, music, and A/V) to plan and lead our worship service.
● Preach in worship as needed and available.
● Come alongside the Pastor in the shepherding needs of the congregation.
● Attend and participate in leadership team meetings and commission meetings.
● Assist in planning and leading the outreach and events ministries.
● Assist in administrative duties as needed in relationship to technology, planning center, and the ministries of the church.
Position Qualifications:
Skills and abilities needed:
● Emotional Intelligence, Communication ability with people, Administration, Organization, Initiative, Peacemaking/Conflict Resolver.
Character Traits Needed:
● Integrity of Faith and Life, Servants heart/heart of mercy, compassion, Fun loving, Patient, Flexible
Qualifications, Salary and Benefits:
· Graduated or soon to graduate seminary
· Full Time (approx. 40-50 hours/week)
· Salary and benefits (life, health, disability, retirement) are fully support raised – 50% fundraised before intern can move to Muskegon.
· Salary agreed upon with intern, pastor, and commission.
· 2 year internship
· 3 weeks vacation and 1 week study leave
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Cornerstone PCA
Contact Name & Contact Info
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
City, State
Muskegon, MI
Description of Organization
Vision, Values and Mission
Purpose (why we exist): To be a church that plants churches that are both home and mission.
HOME: Gospel centered, biblically faithful, and confessionally reformed discipling people.
MISSION: Go and making disciples of all people and plant churches.
Cornerstone PCA’s Vision, Values, and Mission:
- Vision (who we are): To be a church that glorifies God is transformed by the gospel and loves people.
- Mission (what we do): We worship the triune God, make disciples, and proclaim the gospel.
- Values: Come from Colossians 2:6-7
- Rooted in Jesus
- Built up in Gospel-Centered Community
- Established in the Word of God
- Thankful to our God in every area of our lives
- Goal (what is our outcome): We minister to people and trust the Lord to lead them to:
- Know Jesus as their Savior and Lord
- Develop an evangelistic heart, mind, and actions for the sake of unbelievers
- Live in community as we love one another through worship, discipleship, and proclamation.
- Practice Personal Worship through time in God’s Word and prayer
- Process (how we do ministry): Led through prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit we come alongside people as we:
- Preach and teach God’s Word
- Equip to live out the gospel with a Biblical Worldview
- Empower to lead and serve
- Give ownership in ministry
- Programs (what we do):
- Worship the Triune God:
- Weekly on Sundays @ 10am
- Regularly in our Families
- Individually in daily personal worship
- Make Disciples
- NextGen Ministries: Nursery, Children and Students
- Small Groups for Adults
- Journey Groups for Men and Women
- Classes that teach systematic, biblical, and practical theology
- Proclaim the gospel:
- Relationally driven monthly outreach events/retreats
- Community engagement
- Supporting world missions