General Information

Job Title:

Young Couples Pastor: Briarwood Presbyterian Church

Job Description:

Briarwood Presbyterian Church is seeking to hire a Young Couples Pastor. He will provide leadership and will shepherd our Young Couples Ministry. He will invest his time in ministering to our young couples and their families to enfold them in the church, equip them for ministry and minister to their pastoral needs. He will also provide pastoral leadership in other ministry areas of the Church as would fit his gifting and the needs of the Church.

Position Qualifications:

The person who would be most effective in this position would have strong leadership skills, a love for people, shepherding gifts and experience leading in ministry. He would either be ordained, ordainable or on a track to be ordained in the PCA, with a commitment to Reformed theology and Presbyterian doctrine. An interested candidate should inquire with resume to Patti Claud at or for more information call 205-776-5282.

Application Deadline

Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Briarwood Presbyterian Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(205) 776-5282




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Birmingham, AL

Description of Organization

Dr. Frank Barker was the founding pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in 1960. Dr. Barker retired in 1999 and Dr. Harry L. Reeder was called as the Senior Pastor. He served until May 2023 when the Lord called him home. Briarwood is located in Birmingham, AL and currently has a membership of over 4,000. For more information,

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