Dr. Bruce A. Lowe Promoted to Associate Professor

(ATLANTA, Ga.) — Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Bruce A. Lowe to Associate Professor of New Testament at RTS Atlanta, beginning June 1, 2019.

Since 2008, Dr. Lowe has been serving on the faculty of RTS in Atlanta, where he has functioned as the campus pastor. He is eager to pray with and to spend time with students and to have them in his home. Dr. Lowe has written several articles and chapters in academic journals and books. Additionally, he is currently finishing the manuscript for his first book. He is actively involved in his church: he teaches Bible studies and shares preaching responsibilities each month.

Dr. Guy M. Richard, Executive Director of RTS Atlanta, commented on Dr. Lowe’s promotion: “I am happy to see Bruce recognized in this way for his contributions to our campus and mission over the past 11 years. Bruce is a dear brother who clearly loves Christ, loves His Word, and longs to live it out in his life. As such, he is a wonderful example for our students to be exposed to as they prepare for whatever ministry the Lord has in store for them.

“Some seminaries have earned the reputation of being more like cemeteries,” Dr. Richard continued, “but Dr. Bruce Lowe is one reason that RTS Atlanta is far different. He helps ensure our students not only hold on to their faith through seminary but grow and bloom in the midst of it. I am pleased to have him here in Atlanta and look forward to laboring alongside him for many years to come.”

After his promotion, Dr. Lowe said: “It has been such a joy and privilege to be preparing students for the future and serving the body of Christ in this way. I look forward to being part of the Lord’s service here at RTS for many years to come.”

Dr. Lowe received his Master of Divinity from RTS Orlando and his Ph.D. in New Testament from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Before moving to the Atlanta area, he served as a pastor and church planter in Australia for many years. Bruce and his wife Rachel have 5 children.