Women in Ministry Scholarship Announced at RTS Charlotte

The Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that it will launch the Women in Ministry Scholarship in fall, 2019. The scholarship is designed specifically for female seminary students headed into Christian ministry.

Dr. Michael J. Kruger, president of the Charlotte campus, commented on the new scholarship: “We have been so blessed to have a vibrant and growing community of female seminary students here at the Charlotte campus. God has used their faithful ministry to bless his church in so many important ways. Our hope is that this new scholarship allows the Charlotte campus to equip even more women who can be sent out as laborers into God’s Kingdom.”

The Women in Ministry Scholarship was begun with the help of a generous lead gift from Jim and Judy Boyd, long-time friends of RTS Charlotte. Others have also contributed toward the scholarship, with funding now at approximately $300,000.

Nancy Guthrie, speaker and best-selling author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series, also commented on the new scholarship: “Sometimes women who want to attend seminary wonder if they will be welcomed, respected, and taken seriously by the administration, the professors, and their fellow seminarians. This new scholarship states loudly and clearly to women: We want you here at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte!”

Prospective female students are encouraged to apply for the scholarship, which provides at least 50% of the tuition applicable to a variety of Master’s degrees: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts (Biblical Studies), Master of Arts (Theological Studies) and Master of Arts in Christian Counseling. For more information, please click here or contact Nate Groelsema at ngroelsema@rts.edu.

The RTS Charlotte campus has become a national and international training ground for pastors, missionaries, educators, and leaders in the church. It has a beautiful 17-acre campus, eleven full-time resident faculty members, a library of more than 60,000 volumes, and hundreds of alumni serving Christ all over the globe. It also hosts the Center for Campus Ministry and the Center for Church Planting, which provide specialized training for students who plan to pursue these unique callings. Those interested in learning more about the RTS Charlotte campus can go to www.rts.edu/Charlotte.