
Seminario Presbiteriano do Norte, Th.B.
Reformed Theological Seminary, MA, DMin, Th.M., D.Miss., Ph.D.

About Dr. Medeiros

Dr. Elias dos Santos Medeiros has been an ordained minister of the Gospel since January 1975. While in Brazil he worked in pioneer church planting in the Amazon region and in Recife (rural and urban).  He is a member of the Lausanne Global Diaspora Network Advisory Board and of the Brazilian Evangelical Diaspora movement.  In addition to numerous articles and essays, he has written Teaching Them to Make Disciples of All Nations (DMin), Missiology as an Academic Discipline in Theological Education (D.Miss), and The Reformers’ Commitment to the Propagation of the Gospel to all Nations from 1555 to 1654 (Ph.D). Dr. Medeiros is deeply committed to evangelism through every member of the body of Christ.  He has published: Evangelização e Ministério Pastoral (Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry).


  • Teaching Them to Make Disciples of All Nations
  • Missiology as an Academic Discipline in Theological Education
  • “God Scatters to Gather Through His People: A Missional Response to Migrant Churches” in Reformed Means Missional
  •  “The Reformers and Missions” in Ministry & Leadership magazine, Spring/Summer 2014 issue
  • “The Reformers and “Missions”: Warneck, Latourette, Neill, Kane, Winter and Tucker’s Arguments – Part 1″ in Fides Reformata, Vol. 18, Issue 1