General Information

Job Title:

Church Planter

Job Description:

Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (a congregation of the Bible Presbyterian Church) in Greeneville, Tennessee is seeking a church planter to assist the church in its goal to establish a daughter congregation in a nearby town.

Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church was planted in 1998 as a church plant of Westminster Presbytery (PCA). We are a confessional church committed to the Scripture as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God and fully subscribe to the Westminster Standards. We hold to a high regard of the regulative principle of worship concerning our worship services.

We do have a core group of members who are eager to start a plant in the Kodak, TN area. There are 500k people living within 40 minutes’ drive of Kodak, and 112k people within a 20 minutes’ drive of Kodak. GRPC has set aside funds to finance the plant.

Position Qualifications:

Minimum of a Master of Divinity degree.

The Session of GRPC has identified the following characteristics and qualities of a successful candidate for the position of church planter:

  • Ordained in a consistently Reformed/Presbyterian and conservative denomination and able/willing to be ordained in the Bible Presbyterian Church
  • Is committed to:
    • the full inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of Scripture in all areas (including Biblical/nouthetic counseling)
    • full subscription to the Westminster Standards (not good faith subscription)
    • an ordinary means of grace ministry
    • expository (lectio continua) preaching
    • Biblical, historic gender roles in the home, church, and society
    • Presbytery and Synod attendance and service
    • personal holiness
    • faithful, consistent, joyful Sabbath observance (with morning and evening worship)
    • Biblical family management, personal and family worship
    • a collegial, team-oriented pastoral ministry
    • being self-disciplined and self-motivated
    • excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Application Deadline

Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(423) 523-9124




Presbyterian - Other

City, State

Kodak, TN

Description of Organization

Bible Presbyterian Church (BPC), General Synod -  The Bible Presbyterian Church is dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. We are serious about the command of Christ to preach the gospel at home and abroad, for God’s elect are to be found among all nations, tongues, and tribes. Our beliefs are firmly grounded in the Bible and we affirm those beliefs through the systematic teaching of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

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